WCPD2021 Abstracts

Abstract submission for the 14th World Congress of Paediatric Dermatology Annual Meeting is now closed.

The review process has finished

Abstracts were scored within an anonymised electronic system – the authors and institutions were invisible to the assessors.  The assessors were drawn from the session Chairs and the Local Organising Committee.  Any assessor who was an author on an abstract or had another conflict of interest did not contribute to the scoring of the abstract in question.  Abstracts were scored by a minimum of 3 and an average of  4.8 reviewers using a scale of 1-10.  Oral presentations were all taken from abstracts with an average score of 7 or greater.  The highest average scoring abstract in each session was given an oral presentation, and other high scoring abstracts distributed throughout the meeting as necessary to other sessions, to ensure that the best quality abstracts were represented.


Extended deadline until Thursday 15th April – now closed


Successful poster submitters will be asked to submit an e-poster. These can be either landscape or portrait and should be one saved as 1 single PDF (10mb maximum file size) page. Eposters should be submitted by September 3rd and adhere to the following guidelines:

For uniformity and simplicity, it is best to arrange your poster in the following format

* Introduction: a few brief sentences that state the purpose of the study
* Methods
* Results: illustrations, tables, figures, graphs and photos.
* Conclusions: a list or summary paragraph of conclusions.
* The heading should include the authors’ names and affiliations
* Tables, charts, drawings and illustrations, as required
* Type should be in a sans serif face (e.g. Arial) that is clear and precise. Do not use all capital letters.
* Headings – be consistent with headings, whether they are all capital letters, boldface or italicised.
* To help viewers follow the flow of ideas, number or letter each illustration and cue it into your text. Each chart or table should have a label or explanation.

Poster Audio presentations

A select number of posters will be given a 3 minute audio presentation slot to support your poster. Audio files should be recorded and saved as an MP4 file and submitted by September 3rd. Upload your video to YouTube and mark it as Unlisted and NOT private and put the link in your submission on the Oxford Abstract submission system.

Your e-poster and audio file should be loaded onto your accepted paper via the Oxford Abstract submission system: https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/1950/submitter

f you need reminding of your poster number please email

Oral Presentations

Oral papers have been allocated slots of 10 minutes, 8 minutes verbal presentation and 2 minutes for questions. You are advised to submit a pre-record of your presentation, you must not exceed the time limit. The session will be strictly controlled by the chairman.

Please send your pre-recorded presentation to [email protected] by September 3rd.

Submission Frequently asked questions

The WCPD2021 Abstract Selection Committee invites all ISPD, BSPD Members, all Non-member and their colleagues to submit papers for presentation at the WCPD2021 in September 2021.

There is no fee for making a submission.  If your submission is accepted for presentation, then the presenting author will be required to attend the Congress and pay the appropriate registration fee. Authors who submitted to the main meeting will be notified in early May 2021 and the presenter will still be able to take advantage of the earlybird rate.

  1. Log in to the submission system when your abstract is completed and ready to send. To log in, if you are a new user you will be asked to create an account or if you have used the system before you will be asked to register with your email address and password.
  2. When you click the “log in” button you will be taken to a screen from which the submission process starts. Please read the instructions on this screen carefully.
  3. Submitting an abstract is a multi-step process. Each step asks several questions:
  • Step 1: You can copy the abstract title and abstract text from your Word document and paste it into the submission box. Please note that because of web browser limitations some scientific symbols may not paste correctly into the form – you may have to correct this by writing the name of the symbol in full, for example “beta” instead of β.
  • All steps: Some questions will be mandatory. We cannot accept your abstract until these questions have been answered.
  • All steps: If you do not know the answer to a question – for example you may not be sure in which category your abstract should be presented – you can skip the question and return on a later occasion to complete it.
  • Final step: once you have completed this step click the ‘Submit’ button. If you have answered all the mandatory questions, then your abstract will be assigned a reference number and you will receive email confirmation. If you have not answered all the mandatory questions your abstract will be held until you return later and complete all the questions.
  • If you are submitting more than one abstract, you can use the same email address and password for each abstract.
  • Abstracts are required for all oral and poster presentations. Abstracts MUST be submitted online.
  • Please read the author instructions carefully before submitting your abstract.
  • Authors can use tables. Please note that table text will count toward your maximum word count of 400.
  • Images are not allowed as part of the abstract.
  • An anonymous selection process will be used: therefore, please do not use identifying features such as names of authors, hospitals, medical schools, clinics or cities in the title or text of the abstract. Any author not adhering to this rule may have their paper rejected.
  • The work to be presented should be original and not already published as a full paper or published as an abstract at a National or International meeting. Please declare any previous publication or presentation of the same abstract in the submission form.

Encore abstracts will be considered but this will depend on where and when the original data has been presented. Please include these details in the submission process section. They may not be accepted if presented to a similar audience

Abstracts giving an overview of a relevant clinical topic but not containing primary results will not be considered.

Yes these will potentially be considered.

Please ensure that you check your abstract carefully before submitting to ensure it is the final version.  Any amendments you wish to make prior to the submission deadline can be made on the online submission system. If you do wish to make any amendments to your abstract once you have received notification that it has been accepted, you will need to email It will not be possible to change content at this stage, just authors and affiliations.

If you want to withdraw an abstract, please email

  • Main meeting abstracts are judged by the WCPD2021  Abstract Selection Committee and the chairs of the relevant selected session area

We will email all submitting authors early May 2021 with details on the outcome of their submission. If you have not heard please email

All selected abstracts will be printed in the WCPD2021 abstract book, the meeting app and be available on the WCPD2021 Website.

We will publish your abstract from the version supplied by you. Please proof read your submission very carefully.

Should you have any queries relating to your abstract then please do not hesitate to contact the conference team at